Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CNY Cell Group Meeting

Happy New Year everyone! We celebrated an early CNY in cell group meeting last week and had a great time worshipping the lord, fellowshipping and 'Lau Yu Sheng' together. Check out our yummy Yu Sheng from Sakae Sushi! turned out to be the most rowdy and messy Lo Hei ever (thanks to Amanda's aggressive tossing), check out the exciting video below:

Some more shots....

We also wanna welcome Grace back to the cellgroup after her confinement ended, so here's introducing the latest & youngest member of our cellgroup - Baby Jonathan - welcome to this world baby!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Yummy Food Galore!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Sky!

I shall begin the post with a yummilicious looking and tasting Pistachio cake..
Are you drooling and reliving the day which we had this cake??

Daniel says we have to put a) Pistachio, b) flour, c) eggs d) sugar etc.. etc.. to make this cake "work"..Pistachio(开心果) for the chio chio (pretty) Sky, and coz Sky is our 开心果 ;)

p.s of course this wasn't what I told Sky on that day..

Joshua gives his speech..

At the end of the year, we can have a "The most speech given in 2009" award..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Eileen!

If a picture speaks a thousand words...

Tracee's day

n116 celebrated Tracee's birthday on 7 Dec 08 after a hearty lunch at T3..

Presenting the yummy cheese-cake, and the usual "guess who's the speaker"..

It's not Zhifu, but Amanda who gave a word of encouragement to Tracee..